search website

If you’ve used one of our set-up CDs, then when you first log onto the internet it will take you to the NetWorks Multimedia Home Page. Here you can find information about your account, post messages on the message board and so on.

If you know the URL (internet address) of a site that you are looking for, you can type it into the address field near the top of your browser window. Remember to start with “www.”. Don’t worry about putting in the http:// as this is done automatically. If you don’t know the address of the site you are looking for, you can use a search engine to find the site for you. Try Google, it is a good one. (There’s a short cut to Google on the top right of each page on the Networksmm web site). Searching Google is so easy – just type what you’re looking for and review the suggestions that Google offers.   For example, if you are looking for some special Christmas gift ideas for the women in your life – just write Xmas gifts for her and browse the suggestions.


If you still can’t find what you are looking for, you can try searching for a related topic.

Hint: Most search engines allow you to just press your “enter/return” key on your keyboard instead of clicking the “search” button.

This is most probably caused by an issue with your telephone line.

Sometimes we have to slow connections down in order to solve dropouts or connection problems. Also, you may find that there is noise of some sort on your line that could be affecting the modem.

Some modems, particularly the more expensive brands have a feature called retraining. This means that if there is any interference in the line, then the modem will automatically reduce its connection speed to compensate and maintain the connection. If you connect at a higher speed, your modem may be renegotiating the connection and dropping the speed below even 33.6.

This issue could also be caused bv the modem itself. I would recommend looking at your modem manufacturers website and getting the latest drivers and firmware to update both.


If your internet keeps trying to connect without you or a program that you’ve set up initiating it, the chances are that you’ve got an infection of spyware.

What is spyware?

Well, without going into too much detail, it’s stuff that you don’t want on your computer. For a detailed description of what spyware is and what it does, go to

Removal of spyware is, thankfully, fairly simple. I use two programs – Spybot – Search and Destroy and Ad-Aware. Both programs are free to download and use. (Spybot – Search and Destroy is not to be confused with the virus, w32 – spybot, which is a different issue altogether!)

Spybot – Search and Destroy can be downloaded from –

Ad-Aware is a free download from –

After installation, get both programs up to date and then run them according to their instructions. Spybot will take you through a setup routine (including updates) to ensure that you are getting the most out of the program and it will also immunize your computer against future infections. You will also find that Spybot will find items that Ad-Aware doesn’t and vise versa.

So how did this spyware get onto my machine?

If you’ve been using Kazaa or other music downloading software such as Grokster, Morpheus etc then that’s where your spyware came from. These programs are also one of the sources of viruses nowadays so I’d recommend getting them off your computer as soon as possible.

Also, if you’ve downloaded any ‘useful’ toolbars such as ‘My Web Search’ and others, then that’s your source of spyware.

Unfortunately, it’s often us blokes that get caught too. Been looking at any ‘naughty’ web sites lately? Be careful what you click on. That free software will often include internet dialers that can dial their own unique number for internet access. These numbers work like a 0055 service. Any charges go straight onto your phone bill so if you’ve got a dialer on your computer be prepared for a very expensive fright!!

Finally, be wary of any pop-up ads that tell you that you have spyware on your machine. The software that they promote is often spyware itself! To be absolutely certain, only trust the programs that I’ve mentioned already – Spybot – Search and Destroy and Ad-Aware.

There are a number of initialization strings and settings that you can try to improve the reliability of your connection. Go to Control Panel and double click on Phone and Modems (or modems in win9x). Go the properties of your modem;

In general you can try reducing the maximum speed to 38400 or 57600.
In advanced you can try the following initialization strings (Extra commands).

ATS91=10&W OR ATS91=14&W (Change Line Level)
+MS=11 OR +MS=v34 (Force the modem to use 33.6 connection)

Here is a list of other websites that may help;
Modem Help. com
Modem Site .com
Modem Help .net

Because there are so many different types of modems these strings may not work at all or may even stop your modem from working. If this is the case simply remove them. If you still cannot get a reliable connection you may have to consult your modem manufacturers website or seek help from a computer technician.

dropping out

There are a number of factors that may contribute to Internet connection dropouts. Before you take your computer and modem to a technician or call technical support you should go through the following checklist;

Remove any electrical devices that may cause interference
Remove any electrical devices like mobile phones, fluorescent lights, speakers, amplifiers or other large electrical devices away from the computer or modem.

Check your Telephone Connection and cables?
If you have any telephone line extension leads, telephone socket double adaptors or converters remove these and see if the problem persists.

Unplug or Remove any other equipment that uses the phone line.
Make sure that there are no fax machines, cordless phones or telstra touchtone phones connected to the same telephone line as your modem. This is a very common cause of dropouts.

Disable conflicting Telephone Services
Make sure that you don’t have call waiting or Telstra message bank enabled when you connect to the Internet. If you do, disable these and try again.

Check the quality of your Telephone line
When you connect to the Internet check your connection speed by double clicking on the Networks Multimedia Internet icon near the clock in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. If your connection speed is low e.g. Under 40000 bps have your line checked by Telstra or Double-check your modem drivers. If your modem speed is constantly reported as 11500 or 56000 then your modem drivers need updating.

Check your Modem Drivers
Your modem drivers translate commands between the computer and the modem. If you do not have the correct drivers this translation can get scrambled and reduce the reliability and functionality of your modem. You can access the latest drivers for your modem by visiting the manufacturers website. If you are not sure how to do this you can get a computer technician to do it for you. Click here for a list of resellers